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Your responsibilities as a registered worker

Find out how to keep up your registration with the SSSC.

When you’re registered there are things you need to do to keep up your registration.

It’s important because you may not be able to work if you are not registered. That could have an impact on you, your employer and the people who use your service.

The Codes of Practice

The Code of Practice for Social Service Workers sets out the behaviours and values of professional conduct and practice social service workers must meet in their everyday work. Find out more about your responsibilities.

Download the Codes of Practice

Continuous professional learning (CPL)

Continuous professional learning (CPL) is the learning we do for work which helps us develop our knowledge, skills and professional behaviour so we can deliver our best practice.

You need to complete a set number of hours of learning during each registration period.

Find out more about what you need to on the CPL page.

Keeping your details up to date on MySSSC

It is really important to let us know about any changes to your personal details or situation. You can tell us about changes or generally keep in touch through MySSSC.

This includes:

  • home address or contact details
  • email address
  • qualifications
  • work address and employer
  • disciplinary action against you
  • any offences
  • a health condition which may impact on your ability to carry out your job (see our guidance document)
  • a new job or change of role.

Paying your fee on time

It’s important that you keep up to date with paying your fees. It’s your responsibility and if you don’t we could remove your registration meaning you would need to re-apply and pay the application fee. You may not be able to work and your employer may take action because you are not registered.

Find out more information about fees.

Do you have a registration condition?

You may have been registered with a condition. This usually means you did not hold all the qualifications required for your role at the time of your registration or that you did not provide evidence at that time.

You will normally have the first period of registration to gain this qualification and provide us with evidence, such as an SQA qualification certificate.

To find out more about what it means to be registered with a condition and how to tell us you have gained a qualification go to our FAQ page about qualifications.

This does not apply to social workers or social work students.

Renewing your registration

Most social service workers have to renew their registration after five years. Social workers are registered for three years and students do not renew their registration. We contact you before your renewal date with information on how to renew your registration.

If we have asked you to submit evidence of your PRTL, you must also provide this information at the point of renewing your registration.

You can renew your registration online through MySSSC before your registration period expires.

Raising Concerns in the Workplace guidance

Our guidance will help you if you are unsure about how to raise a concern in your workplace.

Read the guidance here

Who should apply to register

Registration is compulsory for many social service roles so visit our ‘Help with Register parts, fees and qualifications tool' for more information.

Access the tool here

Search the Register

Check the registration status of a social worker or social care worker employed in Scotland

Search the Register

Social media guidance

Our social media guidance provides general advice. You should refer to your own employer’s policies or guidance on the use of social media as it will be particular to the service where you work.

Read the guidance here

Continuous professional learning (CPL)

Continuous professional learning (CPL) is the learning we do for work which helps us develop our knowledge, skills and professional behaviour so we can deliver our best practice.

SSSC Codes of Practice

The Codes of Practice set out the standards of practice and behaviour expected of social service workers and their employers.

Registration and MySSSC help centre

Visit our registration and MySSSC help centre to find the answers to common questions, including qualifications for registration, MySSSC accounts and employer access.