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Future Proofing Programme FAQs

We know you will have lots of questions about our Future Proofing Programme changes.

We’ve answered some of these below. We’ll update these as the programme continues.


I’m registered with the SSSC, will I need to apply again when the changes come into force?

No, you will not need to apply for registration again. We will make all the necessary changes and let you know when this happens. Over the next year we will contact everyone on our Register to explain what the changes mean for you.

How do I know what my service type and level of job role should be on the new Register?

If you are already registered, we’ll move you to the new corresponding part of the Register.

For example, if you are registered as a practitioner in a day care of children service, we’ll move you to the part for ‘children and young people workforce’ with a service type of ‘day care of children service’ at the level of job role ‘practitioner’.

The Changes to the Register table shows the detail of the current and new Register parts.

Will my registration date change?

No, your date of registration will stay the same. This is the date of your original registration if you have not been off the Register for any periods of time.

Will my fees change?

Your fee will be the same, based on the service type and level of job role of work you do. Your fee would only change if your role requires you to move to a different level of job role.

What is the annual declaration and what do I need to do?

To maintain your registration, you must complete an annual declaration around the time of your registration date. You’ll be able to do this in your MySSSC account.

You’ll need to confirm your personal and employment details or provide updated details and pay your annual fee. This replaces the previous five yearly registration renewal.

What if I have a qualification condition?

If you are already registered, the time you have to gain your qualification won’t change.

What if my job involves working with children and adults?

If you are working in a service registered to deliver care to adults and children, you’ll be registered on the social care workforce and the children and young people workforce parts of the Register. We’ll make these changes for everyone already on the Register.

I am a social worker but also work in residential childcare. Do I still need to register on both parts?

Yes, the social worker Register part is for people who hold a recognised social work qualification but if you are working in a residential childcare service, you also need to register on the children and young people workforce part.

Will I need to apply for a different part of the Register if I change jobs?

For most changes you would only need to tell us your new job role level and your new employer, if that also changes.

However, if you are moving from working with adults to children, for example, you would need to come off one part of the Register and apply for another.

In these circumstances you’d have three months to apply for the new Register part.

I’m registered on two different parts of the Register – housing support and care at home. Will I still have two separate registrations?

No, you will be registered on the social care workforce part. This includes people working in housing support, care at home, adult care home or adult day care.

You still need to tell us all the services you are working in.

What new information will you publish on the Register on the SSSC website and why?

We currently publish fitness to practise information on a separate part of the SSSC website from the Register. We want to improve the publicly available Register so information is easy to find, in one place and promotes our aim of protecting and upholding public confidence.

The table in the 'Changes to the Register search on the SSSC website' section below outlines the changes to the Register on our website.

What we currently publish What we will publish
Registration number Registration number
Town of employment Town of employment
Register part Register part
Registration status Service type and level of job role
Removed date (if applicable) Registration status
Suspended from date (if applicable) Removed date (if applicable)
Suspended to date (if applicable) Suspended from date (if applicable)
Suspended to date (if applicable)
Fitness to practise information currently published on another part of the website: Decisions

When will the changes to qualifications and skills happen?

We are working towards implementation in 2024. We may phase in some of the changes and will keep you updated through our newsletters and website.

Does the three-year timescale to gain a qualification apply to all Register parts?

No. These parts of the Register will still get five years, if you are required to do two qualifications.

Any new registrant who is registered as a:

  • supervisor
  • manager
  • residential childcare worker

with no recognised qualification will have five years.

Anyone already holding a qualification which meets either practice, supervisor, management or academic requirements will have three years.

I already have a qualification condition. Do I now only have three years to meet it?

If you are already registered the time you have to gain your qualification won’t change. Three years will only apply to new people joining the Register. We’ll share details of when we’ll be making these changes through our newsletters and website.

What happens if I am off work due to ill health or maternity leave? Will I get more time to gain my qualification?

If you have an acceptable reason for being unable to gain the qualification within the timescale, we can consider giving you more time. You can find more information about asking for longer here.

How will continuous professional learning (CPL) be different?

We are developing a new process for CPL together with workers, employers and other stakeholders. We will consult on our proposed new system in autumn 2023 and provide regular progress updates though our newsletters and website.

What will social workers who have been off the Register for a period of time need to do to return to practice?

We are developing return to practice standards for social workers in collaboration with workers, employers and other stakeholders. We will consult on the proposed standards in autumn 2023 and provide regular progress updates though our newsletters and website.

Does the introduction of the practitioner level for care at home and housing support mean I need to move from being a support worker and do another qualification?

No, you can remain a support worker if your employer and you decide to remain at that level of job role.

The new practitioner level will allow organisations to employ workers carrying out the function of a practitioner role, which is in line with other groups on our Register. It will support career progression for those wishing to work at a practitioner level but who do not want to be a supervisor or manager.

What will the qualification requirements be for the new practitioner level for care at home and housing support?

The qualification requirements will be similar to those for practitioners on other parts of the Register and will be our recognised benchmark qualifications. For example, SVQ Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 7 or HNC Social Services. We will confirm this before the new Register part is live.

Changes to qualifications accepted for different Register parts
Qualification Register parts we currently accept for Register parts we will additionally accept for*
SVQ Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 6 Support worker in:
  • care home
  • care at home
  • housing support.
Support worker in:
  • day care of children.
SVQ Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 7 Practitioner in:
  • care home.
Practice requirement for supervisors in:
  • care home
  • care at home
  • housing support.
Practitioner in:
  • day care of children.
SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) SCQF Level 6 Support worker in:
  • day care of children.
Support worker in:
  • care home
  • care at home
  • housing support.
SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) SCQF Level 7 Practitioner in:
  • day care of children.
Practice requirement for:
  • residential childcare workers.
New Register levels for practitioner in:
  • care home
  • housing support.
Practice requirement for supervisors in:
  • care home
  • care at home
  • housing support.

*As part of the new CPL process we may ask you to complete extra learning during the first year in your new role, for example, child or adult protection.

What is happening with the Codes of Practice?

We held a consultation on the revised Codes of Practice for Workers and Employers from April to July 2023. We are now analysing the consultation responses and feedback from the events and plan to ask our Council to approve the revised Codes at their November meeting. You can find out more about the changes to the revised Codes on our Codes consultation page. We plan to launch the new Codes in 2024.


This page was last updated: 10 October 2023.

Who should apply to register

Registration is compulsory for many social service roles so visit our ‘Help with Register parts, fees and qualifications tool' for more information.

Access the tool here

Search the Register

Check the registration status of a social worker or social care worker employed in Scotland

Search the Register

Continuous professional learning (CPL)

Continuous professional learning (CPL) is the learning we do for work which helps us develop our knowledge, skills and professional behaviour so we can deliver our best practice.

SSSC Codes of Practice

The Codes of Practice set out the standards of practice and behaviour expected of social service workers and their employers.

Registration and MySSSC help centre

Visit our registration and MySSSC help centre to find the answers to common questions, including qualifications for registration, MySSSC accounts and employer access.